President Brad Goodballet & First Lady Kerry

State President's Message

When I started through the progression as a state officer, one of my initial thoughts is what will my theme, my catchphrase be? Early on I had thoughts of using my first name as the acronym for my theme, but never put much more thought into it.

It wasn’t until Past State President Thomas Pavlik came up with Promote All Volunteers - PAV -- I thought, “how great is this, every time I say PAV or I hear PAV I think Promote All Volunteers;” it might be the greatest theme ever – well, until today. :)

My theme for this year, signified by the acronym BRAD: Benevolence, Respect, Attitude and Determination. In lieu of the state pin this year, I will be passing out decks of playing cards with my theme printed on them.

Benevolence - is the morally valuable character trait to do good, characterized by acts of kindness and generosity. It reflects a genuine desire to benefit others, whether through charitable deeds, selfless acts, or compassionate gestures. The novels of Charles Dickens often feature benevolent figures who play pivotal roles in rescuing main characters—individuals like Mr. Brownlow in Oliver Twist and Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. To be benevolent doesn’t necessarily require wealth; even non-financial acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s life.

Respect - is the cornerstone of harmonious human interactions. It involves recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of others regardless of their background, beliefs, or status. When we treat people with respect, we honor their independence, listen to their perspectives, and value their contributions. In a world where differences abound, practicing respect fosters understanding and a sense of shared benevolence.

Attitude – is a learned way of thinking or feeling about someone or something. It can significantly impact our beliefs and actions. It is formed through experience and social factors. It is important to remember that our attitudes influence how we perceive and interact with other people. A positive attitude acts as a driving force that determines the way we approach challenges and opportunities. A positive attitudes enables us to overcome obstacles and embrace change while a negative attitude hinders progress.

Determination - is the unwavering resolve to pursue a goal, even in the face of obstacles, setbacks, or adversity. It fuels our persistence, propels us forward, and transforms challenges into stepping stones toward achievement. With determination ordinary individuals can accomplish extraordinary feats, turning dreams into reality.

For those who know me, I have always been open, honest, and forthcoming about my desire for transformation and change at the local, district and state levels; change not to be different, but change to make a difference. I believe applying these four ideologies whether you’re on the end of opposing change or pushing for change will allow the Elks to prosper and evolve. I believe we have all heard many times over recent years that without change the Elks is destined to stagnation, then failure. Perhaps the true obstacle lies not in change itself but in the refusal to embrace it.

Since I started attending Grand lodge conventions and state conventions in 2009 the following quote has resonated with me, “When you return home you may hear, “You can’t do that,” or “That won’t work here.” Practice saying, “Let’s try it and see.”

“Do not be afraid to change old habits to try something new to keep your lodge and this Order evolving into something better.” These insightful words were taken from the acceptance speech of James L. Nichelson as presented at the Grand Lodge Convention in Portland, Oregon, following his election as Grand Exalted Ruler on Monday, July 6, 2009. I was listening.

Exalted rulers, district activities chairman, state chairman, and state officers, I have your backs!

-Brad Goodballet