Advisory Council Chair

The Advisory Council is composed of all Past State Presidents and the current State President.  The Council provides their experience, knowledge and advice to the officers and committees.  The Council representative to the Interim Governing Board attends all Board meetings and is a voting member.

Mark Ratliff, PSP
Upper Sandusky #83

Americanism Chair

This committee's purpose is to promote Americanism in the hearts of all in the community.  It is this committee's responsibility to urge every lodge to conduct our mandatory Flag Day Service in June, to promote the flying of the flag twenty-four hours a day and to urge all lodges to follow the programs suggested in the Grand Lodge Americanism Brochure.  This committee should encourage all lodges to publicize their Flay Day Service in their local media.  In addition, the Americanism Committee is to conduct an annual essay contest to promote the spirit of patriotism in the youth of Ohio.

Crystal Ropp, PDDGER
Marysville #1130

Bowling Chair

A tournament director will be appointed and is responsible for promoting bowling activities within the districts and lodges in the Ohio Elks Association.  This director should encourage all lodges to establish Elks Bowling Leagues and to have their members enter the Annual State Elks Bowling Tournament and the State Mixed Doubles Tournament.  An attempt should be made to have newspaper coverage of all results of these tournaments.  This committee should provide timely articles to the Ohio Elks News and the Ohio Elks Website publicizing the State Bowling Tournaments and recognizing the event winners.

Paul Blair
Ashland #1360

Calendar Project Chair

This committee has the responsibility of the printing, distributing and sales of the annual Ohio Elks Calendars. The State Chair must have the calendars printed in time to be distributed to the District Chairs at the Fall Reunion in August.  The District Chairs must deliver the calendars to their Lodge Chairs in time to allow the sale of the calendars well before the first of the next year.  The District Chairs must keep in touch with all of their Lodge Chairs so as to be able to replenish the supply of calendars to the lodges that require additional supplies as well as to retrieve calendars for the lodges that are unable to sell their quota.

Jeff Jenson
Findlay #75

Community Service Grants Chair

The purpose of this committee is multifaceted.  One of these facets is to promote Community Service within the areas of our lodges and to promote the publicity of these activities within the community.  The lodges and all Elk members are encouraged to become more involved in service to the community.  We must continue past services and develop new programs to give us exposure in the community.  Through an expanded Community Service program, our public image can only be enhanced and membership will flourish.  To do this, we must find a community need, develop a program to help meet its goals and participate in reaching these goals.  Records of time and money spent on any such activities shall be kept so they can be reported on the Annual Report.  Also included in Community Service is the coordination of disaster aid requests and programs as necessary.

The chairman will also administer the Ohio Elks Community Service Grants program.

Good public relations are extremely important today.  The State Chair should work with the District and Lodge Chairs to prepare, in advance, new releases regarding any such programs.  To accomplish this, all State Committee Chairs must let the State Public Relations Committee Chair know, in advance, of any awards, presentation, scholarships, donations or similar events they may be conducting that might provide an opportunity for any lodge in the state of Ohio.  This will involve an increased awareness of planning and communications amongst the various State Committee Chairs so the news releases can be prepared in advance of the events.  The news releases should then be sent to the local media as well as the Ohio Elks News and the Elks Magazine. When possible, photographs with the people in them properly identified should accompany the news articles.

A Public Relations Clinic should be held at the Annual State Elks Meeting to train District Chairs to generate the same type of newsworthy items to facilitate quicker publication of local events.  Today, more than ever, good Public Relations are crucial to building a positive public image.

Jon Felice, PDDGER
Willoughby-Cleveland #18

Conventions & Reunions Chair

It is the responsibility of the Conventions and Reunions Director to work with the State President in planning of the Annual Convention and the Fall Reunion and the Ohio activities at the Grand Lodge Convention.

Tammy Nixon, PER
Lorain #1301

Cerebral Palsy Fundraising Chair

The major project of the Ohio Elks Association is to provide financial assistance to organizations, which specialize in the care, treatment and rehabilitation of those who have and suffer from Cerebral Palsy.  The Cerebral Palsy Fundraising Committee receives written requests for financial assistance from organizations specializing in helping those with Cerebral Palsy.  The Committee evaluates each request and recommends allocation of funds based upon the merits of each request.  In addition, as this is our major project, every opportunity to make the public aware of our donations should be explored.  The organization receiving the donation from the Committee should be a partner in obtaining this publicity.

The Cerebral Palsy Fundraising Committee also has the responsibility to raise funds for the Cerebral Palsy Training/Rehabilitation Fund and the State Major Project Endowment currently residing with the Columbus Foundation.  Traditionally, lodge donations, penny banks and the sale of Cerebral Palsy Pins have been depended upon for these funds.  Other sources of funds need to be explored in order to increase our involvement in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy.  Corporate and community foundation donations and sponsorships should be pursued.  Lodges should be encouraged to hold special fund-raisers such as dinners, dances and other social activities that contribute their proceeds to both of the Cerebral Palsy funds.

As this is the major project of the Ohio Elks Association, the participation of all members of every lodge, must be invited and promoted so that we may continue to increase the revenue available to assist those in need.

Sara Dunavent
Troy #833

Credentials & Registration Chair

This committee is responsible for making all arrangements for registration of delegates at the Annual Convention and the Fall Reunion of the Ohio Elks Association, schedule the hours of the registration workers, coordinate with the Secretary/Treasurer in pre-registration and file a written report to the Interim Governing Board on attendance at the convention and reunion by Lodge and District.  Those available to assist in manning the registration booth shall be district Credentials and Registration Chairmen, District Activities Chairmen, appointed state officers and such others who may volunteer their time.

Lloy Skillicorn, PER
Galion #1191

Drug Awareness Program (DAP) Chair

The purpose of this committee is to stop drug abuse before it begins by educating the youth of Ohio about the adverse effects of marijuana, cocaine, alcohol and other mind-altering substances.  The program is designed to reach the youth directly, as well as through parents and teachers.  This committee should strongly urge the appointment of District and Lodge Chairmen who will be leaders in getting this important message to the community.

Articles should be prepared promoting the Elks Drug Awareness Education Program and be submitted to the local media, the Ohio Elks News, Ohio Elks Website and the Elks Magazine.

Becky Underhill
Newark #391

Elk of the Year Hall of Fame Chair

These two awards are given each year for outstanding services given by an Elk within his own lodge or in his community.  The Elk Hall of Fame Award is given to an Elk who has distinguished himself in endeavors outside the Order such as music, arts, medicine, community service, sports, etc.  The Elk of the Year Award pertains to work within the Order, especially at the local lodge level.

This committee is to encourage all lodges to participate in this contest, to follow the contest rules, and to arrange for the winners to be present at the Annual Convention to receive the award.  This committee should prepare an article on both winners for inclusion in the Ohio Elks News and the Ohio Elks Website.  The lodges that sponsor the winning applications should arrange for local publicity.

Chris Hatcher, PER
Lebanon #422

Golf Chair

The Golf Committee is responsible for arranging and promoting the State Golf Tournament.  It should also encourage tournaments at the lodge and district level.  Results of the State Golf Tournament are to be completed and forwarded to the Ohio Elks News and the Ohio Elks Website for publication.

Rob “Otis” Nixon, PDDGER
Ashland #1360

Government Relations Chair

This committee is responsible for being aware of any legislation on the local, district, state or national level, which would adversely affect our Order.  Areas of concern are our membership policies, Bylaws, Lodge House Rules or any other infringement upon our rights.  Any local legislation pertaining to these matters are to be directed to the attention of the District and State Government Relations Chairmen.  Lodge and District Chairmen should also inform the State Chairman immediately of any inquiries received from any local, state or national agency questioning any of our policies.

John Hines, PER
Kenton #157

Hoop Shoot Chair

The "Hoop Shoot" Committee conducts this free throw contest for boys and girls at the Local, District, State, Regional and National Levels.  The "Hoop Shoot" Contest does much to bring another of the good works of our Order to the attention of the public.  Therefore, it is important to bring the local lodges’ involvement in the contest to the attention of the local media to let them know about the Elks involvement with young people.  At the conclusion of the State Contest, news releases should be sent to the lodges sponsoring the top three finishers in each of the six groups of contestants.

The "Hoop Shoot" Committee should strive for 100% participation in this program. This committee should also provide the Ohio Elks News and Ohio Elks Website with a list of winners at the State Contest and an article, including pictures, concerning the event.

Dennis Sabo, PDDGER
Bellevue #1013

Judiciary Chair

This committee has the responsibility of examining all proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Ohio Elks Association, and all resolutions, memorials or motions relating to its Bylaws, with respect to the form, purpose and legality.  The committee may present recommendations at the Annual Meeting for any changes or amendments of the Constitution and Bylaws, as the committee deems desirable.  District rules and regulations, and any amendment thereto, are submitted to the Judiciary Committee for its review and recommendation to the Interim Governing Board for approval. 

This committee is available to assist the Ohio Elks Association, its Districts and Lodges, when requesting information and advice on any legal matter likely to affect the order.

The Judiciary Chairman shall serve as Parliamentarian.  At all business sessions of the Ohio Elks Association, the Parliamentarian serves to render decisions on procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide.

Warren Grody, PER
Columbus-Grove City #37

Lodge Activities Membership Chair

The goal of this committee is to have a net gain in membership.  Each lodge must have an active membership committee to work with the secretary and officers to promote new members and retain current members.  An excellent tool for this job is the Membership and Lapsation manual that is available on the Grand Lodge website.  Lodges should have copies of this manual in their secretary's office.  There are many very good suggestions in the manual for obtaining new members and decreasing lapsation.  Lodge membership can be enhanced with an effective Orientation program.  The chairman of the Membership/Lodge Activities committee should be available to assist lodges with these Orientation programs.

Promotion of Lodge Activities is another tool to be encouraged among the local lodges.  The Chairman should provide guidance and suggestions for activities that lodges can conduct.

Howard Honaker, DDGER
Marysville #1130

Lodge Operations - Business Practices Chair  

This committee has the responsibility to promote good lodge management procedures by conducting clinics at State and District meetings.  The Lodge Management Clinics are designed to assist Lodge Secretaries, Trustees, Club Managers and Lodge Officers in the performance of their duties.  This committee can be invited to any Lodge of the Association to assist it with its management problems and to offer its services and expertise to lodges that may be having financial difficulties.  This committee will review the lodge's operation and make suggestions, which should help with its problems.

Accident Prevention is an important part of the Club operation of each lodge.  It is the duty of this chairperson to communicate this concern to the lodges and to alert the lodges of potential hazards within their facilities.

Proper training of lodge officers and trustees greatly improves the operations of the lodge and club.  This chairman coordinates training programs in the districts to help prepare Lodge officers and other Elks to better perform their duties as officers and committee members. All Lodge officers, District Committee chairpersons and interested members are urged to complete the program.

Barry Harper, PDDGER
Willoughby-Cleveland #18

Memorial Services Chair

This committee makes all arrangements for conducting the Memorial Service at the Annual Convention.

Ed Connors, PSP
Salem #305

National Foundation Chair (ENF)

The Elks National Foundation's permanent Charitable and Trust Fund is truly the "Great Heart of Elkdom."  The principle of the Foundation Fund is never spent.  Only the income from the investments of the monies contributed to the Fund is distributed for the charitable purposes of the Order.  The Elks National Foundation provides funding for the "Hoop Shoot" Free Throw Contest, Cerebral Palsy, Drug Awareness Education, Most Valuable Student Contest, Educational Fund Board Awards, Soccer Shootout, Veteran Programs, and Annual Grants to State Associations for use in their charitable programs, and many other benevolent programs.

The goal of this committee is to urge every member to become a Fidelity Club Member by setting up a recurring donation, and to make every effort for each Lodge in Ohio to reach the Grand Lodge per member goal. Each Lodge Chairman must make every effort to promote the Elks National Foundation within his lodge and to keep the membership informed about the distribution of National Foundation Grants on the local, district, state and national level.  In addition, the ENF chairman should encourage the participation of local lodges in the various grant programs of the Foundation.  Training sessions should be held at either of the state conventions to assist lodges in receiving the grants for which they may be eligible.

Kermit Morse, PDDGER
Marysville #1130

Ohio Elks Fall Raffle Chair

This committee promotes the sale of the Ohio Elks Charity Program tickets.  Its purpose is to financially aid the charitable programs of the state and local lodges.  It is recommended that the lodges send one (1) book of three tickets to each lodge member and remind the member that the local lodge keeps one half (1/2) of the total sales for its own charity programs.

Steve Hall
East Liverpool #258

Ohio Elks Endowment Chair

This committee shall administer fund-raising activities for the endowment fund. It shall also advise the Trustees of the Ohio Elks Charitable Trust regarding investment of, and expenditures from the endowment fund. The committee shall consist of seven (7) members in good standing in the Order who are members of Lodges of the Ohio Elks Association, six (6) of whom shall be elected in the Districts of the Ohio Elks Association for three (3) year terms, two (2) each year, being one (1) each from the six (6) said Districts. The seventh member shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee and shall be appointed annually by the President of the Ohio Elks Association.

Deb Bingham
Marysville #1130

PER Association Chair (Ritual)

It is the responsibility of the Past Exalted Rulers Association to promote participation in Ritual Contests and to coordinate and supervise all ritualistic work, clinics, contests and the selection of contest officials.

The purpose of the Initiatory Ritual is to impress the candidate with the lessons it teaches.  It is the duty of the Past Exalted Rulers Association to assist the officers of our lodges to better exemplify this ritual.

The Past Exalted Rulers Association should urge the lodge officers to enter the District Ritual Contest which they conduct each year.  They should also emphasize the great benefits derived from participation in this program other than the mere winning of a contest.   Impressive initiations, opening and closing of lodge, special lodge services and public services are vitally important to the public image and success of all lodges.

Howard Honaker, DDGER
Maryville #1360


Debbie Hatcher
Lebanon #422


Lori Delhees, PER
Port Clinton #1718

Scholarships Chair

Providing educational funding to worthy students throughout the State of Ohio is the objective of this program. It is administered by the Scholarship Committee, which is composed of seven members and funded by the Elks National Foundation.  The Committee is responsible for the selection of the award recipients in the six districts in the state.

In addition, the board is responsible for the administration of the Most Valuable Students Scholarship program for Ohio.  This committee has the responsibility of making the Most Valuable Student Scholarship Contest available to all high schools within the jurisdiction of the local lodges.  The Elks National Foundation funds the awards in this contest.

The contestant's brochures are first graded at the local lodge level.  The best brochures are then forwarded to the District Chairs.  The District Chairs rank the brochures from all of the lodges in the district and forward the allocated number to the State Chairman.  The State Chair ranks the brochures received from all of the District Chairs.   These are forwarded to the ENF where they will enter into national judging.

National Finalist Awards will be given to students in Ohio as determined by the Elks National Foundation.  The Grand Lodge will notify the winners of the amount of their awards.  Additionally, the Ohio Elks Association will award many $1,000 scholarships.  The State Scholarship Chair will notify the state winners of their awards.

Lodges are urged to have as much participation as possible by local area students as the contest is a great opportunity for the winners to receive financial help with their education.

The Scholarship Chairman should provide the State Community Service/Public Relations Committee Chairman with a list of both the Education Fund Grant and MVS Scholarship award recipients so he may coordinate news releases for the sponsoring lodges.  The Chairman should also provide the Ohio Elks News and Ohio Elks Website with a list of the award recipients for publication.

Trent Bradford, PER
Marysville #1130

Soccer Shoot Chair

It is the responsibility of this committee to organize and promote Soccer Shootout Contests at the lodge, district and state levels.  This contest involves another sector of our young people and does much to bring the good works of our Order to the attention of the public.  Therefore, it is important to bring the local lodges’ involvement in the contest to the attention of the local media.  At the conclusion of the State Contest, news releases should be sent to the lodges sponsoring the top three finishers in each of the groups of contestants.

This committee should strive for 100% participation in this program by the lodges in Ohio.  The committee should also provide the Ohio Elks News and the Ohio Elks Website with a list of winners at the State Contest and an article, including pictures, concerning the event.  A copy of the article and pictures should also be sent to the Elks Magazine.

Kevin Garrison, PDDGER
Wooster #1346

National Veterans Services Chair 

The National Veterans Service Chairman has the responsibility of promoting the Grand Lodge Veterans Program in the state, to provide entertainment for hospitalized veterans by having regularly scheduled entertainment at the Veteran's Hospitals in Ohio, to encourage all Lodges in Ohio to donate to the Veteran's Christmas Fund, to serve the needs of indigent veterans, and to insure that all lodges complete and file the Annual Veterans Remembrance Report.

In addition, the chairman is responsible to encourage lodge participation in the Adopt-A-Vet Program. This program is designed to provide Veterans who are confined to Veterans Administration Medical centers, nursing homes, and the Ohio Veterans Home with visits from Elks on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays and to send cards and gifts on these occasions.  All lodges are encouraged to have an Adopt-A-Veteran Program and to publish articles in the local media regarding the lodge's involvement in the program.

Mary Beaston, PER
Fremont #169

Web Operations Chair

The Webmaster's responsibilities will include creating a Website that serves to meet the goals of the organization, maintaining and administering the systems, generating Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and scripts, developing the graphic design and layout of the user interface, and developing the architecture of the information throughout the site.  The Webmaster will provide support within and across the information layers of the organization.

In addition, the Webmaster is responsible for the gathering of information for the Ohio Elks News.  This publication is placed on the Ohio Elks Website four times a year.  This is an outstanding publication for letting our own membership know of the activities of the other lodges and districts in the state.

Richard Threadgill, PER
Berea #1815

Youth Activities Chair

The Youth Activities Committee is one of the most important committees in the lodge, the state and the nation.  When the local lodge has an active Youth Activities Committee, the community becomes aware that the Order of Elks cares about its youth.  There are many excellent youth programs, which are available to the youth of all ages in your area.  These programs described in the Grand Lodge Youth Activities Brochure, which is available on the Grand Lodge website and should be on file in your Lodge Secretary's office.  This committee can provide some of the most important public relations opportunities and greatly improve the public image of our lodges and our order.  Articles detailing the committee's work should be submitted to the Ohio Elks News and the Ohio Elks Website for publication.

Steve Cox, PER
Marysville #1130